Submission Rules and Expectations
Nonhuman Notions is OPEN for submissions! If you are interested in submitting, check out this page !
What do we accept?
Nonhuman Notions accepts visual art, poetry, photography, and essays documenting, describing, and encapsulating what it means to be and live as nonhuman. While the focus of the newsletter is on nonhumans, we strive to support and share surverys, zines, community events, and other news that have to do with the AHPI community. The newsletter currently consists of three sections: art and photography, writing, and the community howl.
What are the requirements?
Each sections has their own specific requirements, which you should read before submitting, but there are a few things that we look for throughout the art and writing categories. Requirements for the Community Howl are different, be sure to read those carefully if you plan to submit to it!
- Relevance to nonhumanity: Submissions must actively contribute to a conversation surrounding living with a nonhuman identity. For example, a drawing of your 'type, while fun, may not portray the lived experience of being that 'type. Is your work about species dysphoria or does it depict the struggles of living in a human society? Or is it more positive, expressing joy and euphoria? It does not need to have a deep meaning, but there should be some substance.
- Be aware of work depicting copyrighted material. Fictionfolk are welcome in the newsletter, but submissions should avoid being centric to its source. Because this newsletter is not monetized, you are free to mention sources and character names.
- Clear quality and effort: Any and all skill levels are welcome in Nonhuman Notions, we will not reject beginner artists or writers or judge on ability. What will be judged, however, is effort and intention. Because this depends heavily on the skill level of each individual, there is no strict formula or check lists to follow. As a general rule, however, the works submitted should be something you are proud of and something you feel reflects your abilities at the time of creation. It need not be perfect, just not lazy or rushed.
- A means to contact you: While anonymous submissions or submissions under a pen name or pseudoname are welcome, an email is required. This will not be shared in the newsletter. We will use this to update you on if your work was accepted, rejected, or if we want you to make a few edits.
- Any and all content warnings must be listed: Not every submission will need a content warning, but many may. For the sake of both the editors and the readers, we ask you list these in the space provided. These will likely be included in the newsletter.
- The use of generative artificial intelligence is not permitted: Due to how generative AI datapools are created and the enviromental consequences of the technology, Nonhuman Notions will not tolerate the inclusion of generative AI in the newsletter. Those caught submitting work generated by AI will be blacklisted from submissions.
- Work done as a commission is not permitted: Any submitted work should be done of your own volition and not commission work. Physical art that is for sale is allowed, however Nonhuman Notions will not attach a link to an online storefront or commission page. You are free to link back to a personal website, gallery, or social media platform that advertises your services for yourself.
- Because Nonhuman Notions is community run and completely free, submitted works are allowed to have been previously published. Furthermore, we do not hold any restrictions on future publication of an accepted or submitted work. Please communicate with any future editors about details considering previous publications.

Art and Photography Submissions
Both digital and traditional pieces are welcome, as well as folios (zines made from a single page of paper) and photography. If there is a written piece that accompanies a piece of art or photography, submit it separately and make a note in the "other comments" section of both submissions.
- Image files must be PNGs.
- Images of traditional work must be clear and free of shadows and glare.
- All image files must be as high quality as possible to assure they can be manipulated and resized to fit into the newsletter.
- Gore is allowed, but there should not be an excess of blood, vicera, or organs. Depictions of organs in a non-violent fashion are welcome.
- Pornographic, sexual, or suggestive material is not permitted.
- Uncovered chests are not considered inherently sexual.
- Depictions of genitals, regardless of artistic intent, are not allowed.
- At the moment, we are not accepting masks, tails, or other common types of gear.
- Folios or zines must submit both a PNG and a PDF. Alternativly, a link to a website or platform where the PDF may be accessed is welcomed.
- Zines that are larger than a single page should be announced in the Community Howl. We would love to support you, but we are not fit for distributing larger zines!
- Alternative text is required. Nonhuman Notions strives to be as accessible as possible. If you are unsure how to write alt text, here are some resources: Harvard University's Digital Accessibility Guidelines, American Foundation for the Blind's guide on writing alt text, and a blog post on alt text and art from a low vision individual.
- Be cautious of submitting photographs with faces or recognizable locations. This is still going out to internet strangers. Nonhuman Notions is not responsible for any safety issues that result from information that was freely and willingly given to us for dispersion or distribution.
Writing Submissions
We accept poetry and essays. At the moment, fictional prose is not accepted.
- All submissions must be sent as a word document. Pages documents will not open on my computer, I use windows, I will not be able to open them. Google docs can export a page as word doc. Please. I'm on my knees. Send a document I can open and copy and paste without formatting issues. Thank you.
- Essays must be between 500 and 3,000 words. For essays above 3,000 words, please contact the editors via email at
- Poems must not be over 50 lines.
- Topics may not be sexual or suggestive in nature. Discussion of sexual trauma is allowed, however there should be no details of the event given.
- Violent topics should not be overly gorey. Graphic imagery must serve a purpose.
- Take care to use proper grammar and capitalization. Any unique formatting or stylistic choice must serve a clear purpose and elevate the work.
Community Howl
The Community Howl is a column for advertisments, surveys, submission calls, community events, and other news.
Currently, the Community Howl WILL accept the following- Calls for submissions for zines and other projects
- Announcement of the release of APHI (not just nonhuman) projects
- Surveys, both of the survey itself and the eventual release of data
- News from the real world that may impact the community
- Details regarding conventions and howls
- Letters to the editors
- Other announcements that the community may find helpful or enjoyable
- Commission openings
- Crowdfunding or donation requests
- "Callouts" or any other discourse centered around singling out an individual or group